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National Series Summit – New!
A dive into the dynamics of producing more successful series of walks and other proprietary programs.
The State of National Series P2P Fundraising: Kari Bodell, formerly of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, analyzes trends impacting national series and prospects for the future.
The Care and Feeding of Teams: Teams account for the majority of funds raised in event-based P2P fundraising, and team captains are virtually worth their weight in gold. Make-A-Wish America’s Marcie Maxwell explores the dynamics of recruiting, activating and retaining teams.
Quality Over Quantity: Many organizations are focusing on yielding more from each person and spinning off new options for top supporters of legacy walks. The American Diabetes Association’s Kathleen Hayes shares their progress on better activating walk participants. The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation’s Jane Hoffman describes how they’ve created new, extraordinary experiences for small groups of supporters who raise big bucks.
Peer Discussions: You’ll be seated next to counterparts with your level of experience to promote meaningful dialogue.
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Cycling Summit
Focused conversation on how to improve your P2P cycling program.
The State of Cycling Fundraising – What does the latest data and program intelligence tell us about the direction of our field? Cadence Sports’ Lauren Benshoof lays it out for us
Motivating Top Fundraisers: Team leaders and outstanding individuals bring in an oversized portion of fundraising dollars. What can we do to keep them coming back and committed? AIDS Life Cycle’s Tracy Evans and The Pablove Foundation’s Kerry Quakenbush share their success strategies.
Making the Right Investments – Perception is reality in the cycling event business. What are the best ways to bring our brands to life on-site and on-course that will keep participants happy and build the buzz that will attract more? Panelists Brian Leto of Cadence Sports, Plum Whitney of 24 Foundation and Audra Fleming of American Diabetes Association tackle this hot topic.
Lots of Networking: Don’t miss the chance to talk (bike) shop with your counterparts from other organizations.
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Hospital/Local Summit
Learn how healthcare providers and other locally-focused organizations can best integrate P2P into their fundraising and marketing mix.
The Healthcare Foundation of 2049: hjc’s Michael Johnston kicks off our session with a thought-provoking view of how technology, generational change and more are transforming our work—and premieres a new study of P2P fundraising by healthcare institutions.
Learn from One Another: Get to know your counterparts by tackling our future proofing evaluation process together—it’s painless, fun and enlightening!
DIY and P2P for Healthcare Foundations: SickKids Foundation’s Jamie Lamont and Katie McHugh-Escobar share winning strategies for successful P2P events and DIY programs. Special focus on recruiting, activating and stewarding constituents.
Making Your Grateful Patient Program Greater: Our second panel profiles some of North America’s best grateful patient programs for ideas you can use to boost your results. Hear from Toronto Western General Hospital Foundation’s Amy Wilkinson and The Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s Ingrid Gingras.
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Endurance Summit
No-holds-barred conversation on the state of endurance fundraising and how to cross the finish line with more dollars raised for your cause.
The State of Endurance Fundraising: What does the latest data and program intelligence tell us about the direction of our field? Hear insights from IRONMAN Foundation’s Meg Nolte and Peer-to-Peer Professional Forum’s Peter Panepento.
Is the Future Customized?: As her teams at major marathons have shrunk, Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy’s Nicole Herring has maintained her million-dollar program by enabling more individual supporters to participate in whatever races they want to run. A seven-year endurance fundraising veteran, Nicole will describe how she manages this as a team of one and lead our discussion of life at the intersection of endurance and DIY.
Put Your Participants to Work: Answering all the fundraising questions of “newbies” can suck up huge amounts of staff time. Team Fisher House’s Gillian Gonzalez shares how enlisting veteran endurance fundraisers to coach inexperienced participants relieves much of that staff strain and fosters community.
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DIY Summit
Don’t miss two hours focused on DIY, today’s most talked about—and often most organizationally challenging—form of P2P fundraising. Lots of time built in to compare notes with counterparts at other organizations.
The State of DIY Fundraising: Charity Dynamics’ Donna Wilkins shares what the latest data and program intelligence tell us about the direction of this field.
Tributes: Attracting P2P donations in honor or memory of a patient holds significant potential for many organizations, but must be handled with great delicacy. Learn from Colorectal Cancer Alliance’s Jordan Winn how your group can tactfully and effectively move more supporters to create tribute campaigns and steward donors.
Themed Campaigns: This form of DIY encourages supporters to fundraise at a particular time and/or in a specific way. Alzheimer’s Association’s Lacey Todd shares lessons learned on The Longest Day, America’s largest themed campaign.
DIY Champions: Learn more about some outstanding individuals who’ve raised substantial amounts by doing it their way.
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